The Daydreamer
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Build a daily writing habit in just 7 weeks.

Do you wish that you wrote more often?

Not everyone wants to write every day. Not even every writer.

However, some people DO want to write every day. Or at least more often than they do right now. And if you’re here, I’m guessing that you are one of those people.

You like words. You like telling stories. You intend to write. In fact, you’ve been intending to write for a while, but circumstances just haven’t lined up for you yet.

Daily life throws a lot of obstacles in your way, doesn’t it? Busyness at the office. Demands at home. Brain fog.

Worst of all, when you finally have a chance to sit down and write, you’re not sure what to say. Those ideas you’ve been daydreaming about are suddenly nowhere to be found.

You are not alone in this struggle.

Lots of writers get stuck in this cycle.

They keep waiting for the right time to magically appear. And then, when an hour pops up, they freeze.

The first time it happens, they shrug it off.

The second time, a vague doubt slithers into their minds.

Soon they’re wondering if they’ll ever be able to write anything again. “Perhaps,” they think, “I was never really a writer after all.”


I’ve felt those fears, too.

I watched as those worries consumed my desire to write.

Until I discovered Julia Cameron’s classic book The Artist’s Way and began writing “morning pages” every day.

That simple practice changed my life and helped me regain my creativity. I’ve gone from “I can’t write” to “I have more ideas than I know what to do with!”

 I discovered that I could still write. That I could even write every day. And that writing every day was the way to overcoming the obstacles that had kept my words off the page.

That’s why I developed
The Daydreamer.

As a writing coach, I’m often called in to help other writers clear their writing hurdles.


The first step is almost always to get them writing every day. To clear away the pressure of whatever project is daunting and give them a safe space to rediscover what made them love writing in the first place.

Time and again, I’ve watched as simple writing prompts have empowered these writers to break through their writer’s block.

What starts as a playful exercise turns into an unstoppable confidence. They start owning their voice. And the best part?

They start loving what they do again.

So, how does this program work?

It’s a simple 7-week email sequence.

Over the course of those 7 weeks, you’ll complete 31 writing prompts. Those prompts are staggered during the initial weeks so you can ease your way into this habit. 

Once you sign up, you’ll begin getting an email from me every weekday. These emails are short and simple. They’ll include a writing prompt and a short reflection about that prompt.

All you need is 15 minutes to grab some paper, pick up your favorite pen, and start writing. The prompts are never longer, because the point isn’t for you to write an essay or a novel. It’s simply to have written something, usually between 250 and 350 words.

By the end of the sequence, you’ll be writing every weekday and have written at least 8,000 words.

Most importantly,
you will LOVE writing every day.

You won’t have trouble “finding time to write.”

Instead, you’ll arrange your calendar around this habit. Not out of duty, but because you’ll long for that daily dip into words.

What’s more, you’ll be overflowing with ideas. By the end of the program, you won’t need my writing prompts. Your daily writing practice will have reawakened your creativity. Like me, you’ll have more ideas than you know what to do with.

 You may even find yourself writing for longer stretches of time, turning your drafts into polished pieces to share with the world.

This sequence costs a mere $31.

One dollar for each day that you write.

Are you ready to become the writer of your daydreams?